Backup with rsync
Here are the scripts which I have been using to generate backup for file and mysql database. They can be run manually but preferably with cron jobs for automation.
Note that for the mysql backup script, there is a setting for rotation_day
. This is used to keep the number of copy of the database backup, which will be recyled in the final commnad:
find $backup_path/ -mtime +$rotation_days -exec rm {} \;
The backup file is also making use of gpg
for encryption.
Backup file with rsync
source_path="[CHANGE ME]"
destination_path="[CHANGE ME]"
# prefix for log file, eg "photobackup-"
prefix="[CHANGE ME]"
logfile=$prefix"_"$(date +%d_%m_%Y__%H).log
umask 177
# run rsync and exclude the archive folder
/usr/bin/rsync -avz --log-file=$destination_path/$logfile --exclude archive $source_path $destination_path
Backup mysql database biweekly with encryption
user="[CHANGE ME]"
password="[CHANGE ME]"
gpgrcp="[CHANGE ME]"
#set daily backup dir
backup_path="[CHANGE ME]"
prefix="[CHANGE ME]"
suffix="_"$(date +%d_%m_%Y__%H).sql.gz
umask 177
# dump and gzip databases
/usr/bin/mysqldump -u$user -p$password $DATABASE \
--events --ignore-table=mysql.event | \
/bin/gzip > $backup_path/$FILENAME
# encrypt files
/usr/bin/gpg -r $gpgrcp -e $backup_path/$FILENAME
# delete only gzipped files
/bin/rm $backup_path/$FILENAME
# recycle files
find $backup_path/ -mtime +$rotation_days -exec rm {} \;