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Jq reference

Read a json file

Give a color.json file with the following content:

        "name": "red",
        "value": "#ff0000"
        "name": "green",
        "value": "#008000"
        "name": "blue",
        "value": "#0000ff"
        "name": "yellow",
        "value": "#ffff00"
        "name": "black",
        "value": "#000000"

The following bash script will read the json array one by one

#!/usr/bin/env bash


while read -r color; do
    name=$(jq -r .name <<< "$color")
    value=$(jq -r .value <<< "$color")
    echo "Color $name has value as $value."
done < <(jq -c '.[]' $JSON_FILE)

Here is the sample output:

Color red has value as #ff0000.
Color green has value as #008000.
Color blue has value as #0000ff.
Color yellow has value as #ffff00.
Color black has value as #000000.