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Auto Increment with Postgres and JPA



I want to have Postgres to auto generate ID for my Springboot application entity, using Liquibase.

What did't work

At first I had the following pair for the Java Entity Class and Liquibase setup:

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
@Column(name = "ID")
private Long id;
<createTable tableName="TICKET">
    <column autoIncrement="true" name="ID" type="BIGINT" remarks="Primary key">
        <constraints primaryKey="true" />

which produced the following error:

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "support_system.ticket_seq" does not exist

Since it was complainting about the missing sequence, I modified the Liquibase setting to

<createTable tableName="TICKET">
    <column defaultValueSequenceNext="seq_name" name="ID" type="BIGINT" remarks="Primary key">
        <constraints primaryKey="true" />

which brought me to a different bug since I am using a non public schema.

The Solution

After some desperating debugging hours, I consulted my good friend Mark, the SQL guru, who convinced me that I do not need to setup a sequence. Instead, let Postgres generates one for me.

Mark's tips

You don’t generally need to reference the sequence object explicitly

By doing so, I can just create a column using the standard SQL identity, for example, id int generated always as identity. That will create the sequence automatically and automatically call nextval to get a new id value when a new row is inserted.

After listened to Mark, I was convinced that I actually did not need to setup a sequence. Therefore, I reversed my chance in Liquibase and continued to try different thing on the JPA side. Here are the setting that finally works:

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Column(name = "ID")
private Long id;
<createTable tableName="TICKET">
    <column autoIncrement="true" name="ID" type="BIGINT" remarks="Primary key">
        <constraints primaryKey="true" />


The PRs which fixed the problem: